Congratulations to our two winners, Valerie and Linda S! Please check your emails ladies and respond to my email by tomorrow night so we can get you your prize!


And here are a few pictures from Saturday Sampler. For putting together the Friendship Block, be sure to refer to the detailed tutorial HERE.

Winners…and Saturday Sampler Pics

2 thoughts on “Winners…and Saturday Sampler Pics

  • November 10, 2012 at 1:37 pm

    I would really appreciate more pictures that show how to do some of the trimming. I am knew at this and am having a difficult time knowing what it means “use the triangle square-up ruler and trim each block to 2″. Line up the 2″ marking on the ruler exactly on top of your sewn seam”

    • November 12, 2012 at 11:05 am

      For more help you can check the tutorial here: The triangle square-up ruler just has a diagonal line that helps you make sure the triangle is directly in the middle when you trim. If the tutorial doesn’t help you out, let me know and I will try to clarify for you!! Or you can always stop by the shop and they can demonstrate in person…whatever is easiest for you!

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